Often, information that can personally identify a user cannot be obtained from Cookies, but personal information of registered users may be linked to the information contained in Cookies. To understand how the company stores and uses personal information, it is recommended that you read our Privacy Policy carefully.
Cookies received and used by Msport Cookies do not store any personal information, including mailing addresses, account logins and passwords, phone numbers, etc.
In reviewing this Cookies Policy, the following terms and their definitions will be used:
- Company (as well as “We”, “Us” or “Our”) refers to the Msport website in Nigeria.
- Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer, smartphone, laptop or tablet and on the website that contain details of activities on the portal.
- Website – refers exclusively to the Msport platform.
- You are the individual who uses or accesses the Msport website. “You” may also refer to the organization or entity on whose behalf you are accessing or using the portal, as applicable.
Use of Cookies
Cookies can be “session cookies” or “persistent cookies”. Permanent Cookies remain directly on the device from which the website is accessed (personal computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet). Session Cookies, on the other hand, are deleted as soon as the site is closed.
Our company uses both types of cookies for different purposes:
- Necessary/essential cookies. These cookies are necessary to provide users with services through the website and to enable the use of certain features of the website. Cookies are necessary to authenticate users and prevent unauthorized access to accounts by hackers and fraudsters. Without these cookies, the site will not be able to offer its services to users. Msport uses these files to ensure that it can provide services to its users.
- Functional Cookies. These files are designed to store user preferences when using the site. For example, they may store data for logging into a personal account or selecting the site’s display language. The purpose of these files is to provide the user with a more personalized experience so that they do not have to enter their data or choose a language each time they use the site.
Both types of cookies are actively used by us, while we strictly adhere to our Customer Privacy Policy.
How to refuse cookies
Every internet user can refuse the use of cookies on the website. To do so, go to your browser settings and delete the saved files associated with the Msport website. This option is available at any time during the use of the website. However, please note that this may cause some inconvenience when using the portal.
Disabling cookies is done differently for each browser, so you need to go to the settings and find the appropriate section. To better understand this topic, you can visit the site called “What are Cookies?”. If you still have any questions, you can always contact the technical support operator of our website and get the necessary help.